The Sleeping Beast
Thriller “The Sleeping Beast” tells the story of a group of children spending their summer in a sleepy hamlet, where their only entertainment is simply hanging around and climbing in an abandoned manufacturing facility, until they are forbidden to do that. The gang’s boss Kristjan and his friends Ariel, Loore, Mia-Margot and Siim decide to ignore the ban. This decision changes their lives and friends face a grim confrontation. They need to answer the question – what is right and what is wrong?
Jaak Kilmi has graduated from the Department of Culture of Tallinn Pedagogical University, majoring in directing. He has (co-)directed and produced a string of award-winning short films; a number of documentary films and feature films. His films have received international recognition and have often been broadcasted abroad. Kilmi has acted as a member of the film commission of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the Estonian Film Board.
Sigade revolutsioon (PÖFF 2004, co-dir), Disko ja tuumasõda (PÖFF 2009, doc), Kristus elab Siberis (2015, co-dir, doc), Sangarid (2017), Minu spioonist isa (2019, co-dir, doc), Jõulud džunglis (2020), Tagurpidi torn (PÖFF 2022), Vari (Shadow, 2024)