Estonian premiere
The Invisible Fight
USSR-China border, 1973.
Rafael (Ursel Tilk), is in the army onguard duty when the border falls under attack from flying Chinese kung fu warriors. Utterly fascinated by the long-haired Chinese hippie black-clad kung fu aces flying around blasting forbidden Black Sabbath music from their portable radio Rafael gets struck by a revelation; he too wants to become a kung fu warrior. Faith leads Rafael to an Orthodox monastery where the black-clad monks do their training but his road to achieving the almighty power of humility required is long, winding and full of kick-ass adventures.
Rainer Sarnet (snd 1969)
Libarebased ja kooljad (1998, co-dir), Libahundi needus (2005, TV), Kuhu põgenevad hinged (PÖFF 2007), Idioot (PÖFF 2011), November (PÖFF 2017), Vaino Vahingu päevaraamat (2021, doc)